Speedy Moisture Meter VSLIC-S203
short info
Using a speedy moisture meter, the moisture content of the soil, sand, and other fine-grained material can be obtained quickly with reasonable accuracy.
Make/ OEM
short info
Using a speedy moisture meter, the moisture content of the soil, sand, and other fine-grained material can be obtained quickly with reasonable accuracy.
Make/ OEM
The test technique is based on the fact that water will react with calcium carbide to form acetylene gas and the quantity if gas formed us directly proportional to the water present, leaving a surplus if the chemical used in the test,
The quantity of acetylene gas produced is indicated in a built-in pressure gauge which is calibrated in the percentage of moisture on a wet weight basis. A conversion formula gives the corresponding moisture content based on the dry weight.
The equipment (VSLIC147-1) Consist of the following replaceable parts :
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