The Heat Transfer Through Composite Wall setup consists of a heater sandwiched between two sets of slabs. Three types of slabs are provided on either sides of heater, which forms a composite structure. Asmall hand press frame is provided to ensure the perfect contact between the slabs.A variac is provided for varying the input to the heater. Digital Voltmeter and Digital Ammeter display the heat input. Heat produced by heater flows axially on both the sides. Temperature Sensors are embedded at the interfaces of slabs to determine the temperature gradient. The experiment can be conducted at various values of heat input and calculation can be made accordingly.
Technical Specifications:
- Slab assembly arranged symmetrically on both sides of heater.
- Slab Material : Slab Size
- Cast Iron : 250 mm dia. 20mm thick.
- Bakelite : 250 mm dia. 15 mm thick.
- Press Wood : 250 mm dia. 12 mm thick.
- Heater : Nichrome Wire Heater.
- The slab assembly with front window of glass/acrylic.
- The whole set-up is ingeniously designed and schematically arranged on a powder-coated rigid structure.