Leveraging on our vast industry experience, we offer an extensive range of Free & Forced Vortex Tube Apparatus.
- It consists of a transparent cylindrical vessel which can be rotated by a variable speed motor. In this vessel by using varies and a cylinder suitably, scientific free and forced vortices can be formed.
- An upper probe can traversed horizontally and vertically across full diameter of the vessel, so that water surface profile can be measured in case of forced vortex. Both axes contain graduation so that exact position of the probe is known. The vessel will be mounted on suitable rotating platform with bottom drain arrangements for the vessel.
- This apparatus is used to visualize the free vortex. In this aooaratus perpex pipe of dia 300mm is used.
- Four circumferential iets have been nlaced alone the circumference of the cylinder near its bottom which helps in the formation of free vortex.
- A pointer gauge is used to measure the co-ordinates of vortex at various points.
- A centrifugal pump of 25mmx25mm with V4 hp Motor (ISI Make) To make the supply from M.S. Sump Tank.
- The tanks are well epoxy painted insided to provent rust hence increase the life tank.